Height Is An Important Factor Which Influences The Risk of Early Death in CKD Patients On Dialysis




Often times before Dialysis or during Dialysis Treatments patients like to congregate and discuss interesting news about the Chronic Kidney Disease Community. Well here is a topic for you, in a fascinating finding published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, researchers found that "being tall was associated with increased risk of premature (early) death among Chronic Kidney Disease patients conducting Dialysis."

While peculiar, this finding may be alarming to many Dialysis patients who are above the average five feet nine inches for men and five feet four inches height for women because it enhances the already high chance of early death in Dialysis patients. However, there are other key areas in which Chronic Kidney Disease patients who conduct Dialysis may focus to minimize risk and improve their chances of survival.

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For instance, patients should know that additional diseases such as cancer are more common among tall people than those of smaller stature. This is likely because tall people have more cells, which may increase the chances that some of them will mutate and lead to cancer. The hormones involved in rapid growth may also play a role in cancer development. Hence, Dialysis patients should consider requesting that their Nephrologists as well as their Healthcare Teams check them for the twelve (12) most common types of cancer including: Kidney Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon and Rectal Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Melanoma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Thyroid Cancer. 

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In terms of cancer, early detection is key. Cancer that is diagnosed at an early stage is more likely to be treated successfully, before it has the chance to get too big or spread. According to the organization, Cancer Research, "If the cancer has spread, treatment becomes more difficult, and generally a person’s chances of surviving are much lower."

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Other complications among tall Dialysis patients include increased rates of Cardiovascular Disease, less efficient lung capacity relative to their bodies’ demands, and blood clots. Often the best that Chronic Kidney Disease patients who are conducting Dialysis Treatments can do are to be aware of these increased risks due to height, and work with their Healthcare Teams to pinpoint complications early enough to take corrective action.

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"Dialysis patients have extremely high premature death rates that are between 10- and 100-fold higher than in the general population, and height exerts an important quantifiable effect on Dialysis patient survival," said Dr. Austin Stack (Study Author). For that reason, Dialysis patients should take these risks and associated complications seriously in order to improve their survival. In fact, Dialysis patients may consider printing this article and discussing appropriate tests to determine their personal risks for the above-listed health issues. Also, share this article with your friends so that they too may determine their health risks based upon their height.

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