​KidneyCoach: The 5 Stages of Kidney Disease

Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live.
— John Rohnert

​Kidney Disease is described as having five stages (Stage 1 to Stage 5) based on the percentage of kidney function remaining.

Although Kidney Disease is not curable , its advancement can be slowed, and the sufferer can be made to feel better in the interim by adopting KidneyCoach's Preventative Approach which espouses that though some strategies require the participation of healthcare providers such as prescription of medication, others can be implemented by simply gaining the knowledge and taking personal responsibility to follow your treatment.

*Note: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (egFR) is used to screen for and detect kidney damage and to monitor kidney status.​

Recommended Reading:

Glossary of Commonly Used Terms: Features definitions of terms found in the treatment of Kidney Disease.​

Success Tips: These tips will reduce the risks of  hospitalization and will generally improve your overall quality of life by addressing head on those issues that may worry you,  mistakes that are  commonly made, and misconceptions frequently held.

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Alternatives: Over 275,000 Americans rely on dialysis to live,  and nearly twice that number receive therapy for ESRD. Find out what treatment plan works best for your lifestyle.​

Monitoring Lab Results: Blood tests are taken routinely on a monthly basis, and though they may vary slightly from one lab to another, note the standard ranges for key tests. Identify strategies to manage test results and maintain a higher level of energy and health.

Kidney Community Resources: These organizations service the Kidney Community.