Hospital Acquired Infections More Likely To Cause Deadly Outcomes In CKD And Dialysis Patients


Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients are constantly looking for ways to improve their safety and health in order to remain as healthy as possible and stay out of the hospital. Research supports the fact that this strategy is critical since Chronic Kidney Disease patients are at an increased risk of experiencing complications when hospitalized. What's worse is that potentially preventable hospital-acquired complications are linked with an elevated risk of early death in Chronic Kidney Disease patients - especially those conducting Dialysis. See the following additional insights and actions you can take right away to help further limit your risk of hospitalization and improve your longevity as a Chronic Kidney Disease and/or Dialysis patient:

Recommended Reading: 721 Hospitals Failed Infection Evaluation Putting Chronic Kidney Disease-Dialysis Patients At Risk

Additional important findings for patients include the fact that among patients who were compromised, 17.7% of patients died while hospitalized and 6.8% died within 90 days after discharge. This means that Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients with potentially preventable hospital infections were 4.7- and 1.1-times more likely to die while hospitalized or within 90 days of discharge, than those without hospital-acquired infections. Surprisingly, patients with Chronic Kidney Disease were as much as 9.6 times more likely to die while hospitalized than those without kidney disease.

Recommended Reading: New Treatment To Combat Deadliest Infection In Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, But Is It Too Disgusting?

Theses findings indicate that better prevention efforts are needed to reduce hospital-acquired infection and lower the rates of death in Chronic Kidney Disease patients. While it is important to highlight that these high rates of death are NOT caused by the fault of Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients, they are still the ones who are paying the price. Hence, here are some tips that patients can use to avoid hospitalization altogether, and improve their safety should they be hospitalized:

  • Wear your Fistula Protector Wristband to avoid accidental use of the AV Fistula - leading to Fistula Failure and longer-term hospitalization (click here).
  • Never touch your face, access site, or wounds without washing your hands since these are easy entrance points for infections. 
  • Avoid standing very close to the sink when washing your hands and never touch the drain since it is found that contagious bacteria grow out of the hospital drains.
  • Use a towel/paper towel to turn on and off faucets in the hospital to avoid picking up germs that may be left behind.

Recommended Reading: Protection Against Itching, Infection, And Death After Catheter Placement In CKD And Diabetics

How do you avoid hospitalizations and limit your risk of acquiring infections while admitted? Share your experience and insights with the over 60,000 Friends who have liked on Facebook (click here). Also, follow the over 160,000+ monthly individual viewers who visit regularly for the latest daily news and information which teach those with Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Kidney Transplant, Diabetes, and Hypertension how to better manage and improve their lives. Erica Ashley Jenkins (Dialysis Nurse) said, "Hello I just wanted to let you know I work in a dialysis clinic and over half of our clinic reads this page, we enjoy everything you put on and love to have new information. My patients are very grateful."

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