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Memberships are critical to the growth of a community. It’s the associates that keep this public website prospering so that we can reach the needs of kidney disease patients we fight for every day. Whether it is clicking this website daily, commenting or liking our Facebook page, or sharing our articles to your family and friends, it is you that keeps moving and developing, and we appreciate your interest and commitment in our fight as a whole. 

In these extraordinary times, millions rely on for high-impact, independent daily news and information that stands for truth and integrity without guidance from billion dollar dialysis companies. With no shareholders or billionaire company support, we report on kidney matters with accuracy, free from political and commercial influence. And unlike many others, we’re committed to keeping our reporting open for all readers. Every contribution, however big or small, makes a difference. Support us from as little as $1 because we are here for YOU. Thank you.

Thanks to your support our team is slowly getting back on track after the pandemic caused us to work remotely. We will continue delivering Artificial Kidney Transplant/Dialysis News and Updates virtually as well as by the phone for support and direct patient calls.

If you contribute we will provide you access to our BREAKTHROUGH EMAIL LIST so that you can get the latest updates on how to be considered for the Artificial Implantable Kidney and other major promising breakthroughs. has been responsible for engaging patients behind the Artificial Implantable Kidney, Stem Cell, Kidney Regeneration with hundreds of thousands of signatures, direct contact with decision-makers, and keeping the community on the same page. If we are unable to get back to full capacity we will lose gains that we have made. Please support us!

Thank you and be great, Team