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A Comical Compilation of Renal Ridiculousness!

In the realm of medical mishaps, kidney failure might seem like a subject best approached with caution, but sometimes, a good laugh can be the best medicine. So, let's dive into the lighter side of renal woes with three kidney failure jokes sure to tickle your funny bone.

1. I had the best Dad moment last night... *actual conversation with my 8 year old*

Son: Dad... how many kidneys do I have?

Me: Two. You have two, son.

Son: Nope... I have four. *point to belly* Two kidneys here... *points to legs* ...and two kid knees here!

The student has become the teacher.

2. I donated 1 kidney and they called me a lifesaver

I donated two kidneys, they called me a hero.

But for some strange reason, when I donated three kidneys, they called the police.

3. What's a kidney’s favorite type of music?

Organ music!

We hope you enjoyed these funny jokes!