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The Best Fast Foods That Help CKD And Dialysis Patients When They Are Busy Or Recovering


A regular viewer wrote, "Given my lifestyle, I am either going to Dialysis, Doctor's Appointments, running errands, spending time with my family, or recovering from Dialysis Treatments. Sticking to the Renal Diet is just out of the question most days. It can be very depressing. Any tips?"

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Most Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients struggle to abide by their Renal Diets because they do not have the time or energy to fix themselves a full meal. In frustration, some patients just give up and grab a bite at a local fast food restaurant, cook a regular T.V. Dinner (high in sodium) or put on a can of soup (dangerous amount of fluid) - ignoring their dietary restrictions. Yet, there is a better option. Try the following fast food choices that are best for Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients:

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1.) Skip The Burger: Preparing a sandwich is a much better option than grabbing a burger for Dialysis patients because it allows them to control sodium, potassium, and phosphorus content. Remember, if possible, make meat sandwiches from low-sodium, fresh-cooked meats such as chicken, turkey breast, roast beef, pork or fish in 2 to 3-ounce portions.
Egg salad or fried egg sandwiches are good low-sodium, high-protein choices, but patients should limit deli meats, which can be high in sodium. Also, DaVita Inc. noted, "When selecting canned tuna or chicken, pick the no-salt-added brands or rinse salted products for 3 minutes to reduce sodium content."

2.) Better Than French Fries: Complete your meal with fresh cut apple, plum, peach, grapes, pineapple or strawberries; unsalted pretzels or popcorn; and vanilla, lemon or spice cookies, a cupcake or slice of cake. Now those options are a lot better than french fries which can be high in potassium and trans fats, wouldn't you agree?

3.) Nothing Wrong With Leftovers: Leftovers may be the answer to a quick meal. Plan to prepare extra portions, and package foods in containers that can go from freezer or refrigerator to microwave. For fast, tasty, and easy to prepare meal ideas that can make good leftovers, check out the Impact Meals section (click here).

4.) The Other T.V. Dinners: Most Dialysis patients do not realize that many of the reduced sodium, healthy cuisine frozen meals are acceptable for a Renal Diet. "Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, and Weight Watchers are some brands that have entrées low enough in sodium for a Dialysis patient," according to DaVita Inc. When making your selections check with your Dietitian for additional guidance and look for meals with less than 700 milligrams of sodium. Also, choose frozen meals that provide a meat, poultry or fish entrée, rice or noodles, vegetable and dessert, if desired. Avoid meals with high-phosphorus ingredients such as beans, cheese and cheese sauces. Good choices of vegetables for Dilaysis patients are green beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, peppers and small amounts of corn and peas. To keep potassium lower, avoid those with tomato and potato products.

Recommended Reading: Restaurant Food Can Be Just As Bad As Fast Food For Chronic Kidney Disease And Dialysis Patients

Do not forget to include your phosphorus binders with your meals. Share, what foods you eat during periods of time that you are unable to cook. Weigh-in with your own pros and cons at the Facebook Fan Page which has over 58,000 friends (click here). While you are there, like the Facebook Fan Page and visit regularly (140,000 monthly viewers) for the latest tailored breaking news and information which teaches those with Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Kidney Transplant, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure how to better manage and improve their lives. You may become a regular visitor like, Tom Johnson who said, "Kidney Buzz is the best source information for any patient that suffers from kidney disease. I'm happy that I found the advertisement for the Kidney Buzz warning bracelet that put me in touch. Thank you for all that you do."

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