Artificial Implantable Kidney Team Offers Clarity About Human Testing Plan & Market Launch


As the highly anticipated Artificial Implant Kidney Human Trials date creeps closer (expected to begin in late 2017/early 2018) the Team has been bombarded with questions and requests related to the device. We love it! Keep the questions and comments coming because we want you engaged in what could be a huge shift in the Chronic Kidney Disease Community as we know it. Per viewers' requests, the following is an update to offer clarity about the exciting upcoming Human Trials as well as Market Launch for the Artificial Implantable Kidney:

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The Artificial Implantable Kidney Team at the University of California San Francisco suggested that they are continuing to make "good progress" on pre-clinical studies (research that begins before human testing) and are continuing to move toward human trials with no further anticipated delays. 

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As part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Fast Track program, the team will focus on the feasibility and success of the Artificial Implantable Kidney Hemofilter component which will be used to filter toxins out of the blood similar to that of a normal kidney. Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis patients should be aware that the entire success of the Artificial Implantable Kidney ultimately depends on the "success of the Hemofilter component," according to Research Team Leaders.

Recommended Reading: Artificial Implantable Kidney: Important Date Change For CKD And Dialysis Patients

Further testing will be necessary so if you are not selected for the initial round of human trials, then you may still be eligible for later testing opportunities. If research continues as expected then the Implantable Artificial Kidney could be available in three short years by 2020. 

Recommended Reading: Answers To Common Questions Asked About Artificial Implantable Kidney For CKD And Dialysis Patients

However, this cannot happen without the Chronic Kidney Disease Community's continued support. Now that we are closer than ever before to human trials, we must also be more engaged than ever before. In order to help make a difference you can do one or all of the following:

- Spread the good word on the progress of the device on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and at your Dialysis Centers.
- Sign petitions developed by for additional government funding for the Artificial Implantable Kidney.
- Complete the below form for even more regular updates and detailed information about the Artificial Implantable Kidney progress.


Recommended Reading: Lab-Grown Kidneys Proven To Work: Now Moving To Being Viable Option For CKD & Dialysis Patients

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