Promising Update On Kidney Rejuvenation Offers CKD And Dialysis Patients Hope




A viewer asked, "What is the progress of the Kidney Rejuvenation research? You all said that you were going to provide regular updates and I have not seen any. I am very hopeful that this research may help me and many other patients and would love to know of any progress."

Recommended Reading:  Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney Regeneration & Rejuvenation Research At Stanford & Other Universities

Many patients are extremely excited about the idea of being able to rejuvenate (restore) the function of their kidneys which have failed or are failing. When polled, viewers were more excited about the prospect of Kidney Rejuvenation than even the development of the Artificial Wearable Kidney and the Artificial Implantable Kidney. Well, great news! Researchers have continued their quest to bring kidneys back to life and are being met with very good progress.

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In a first-of-its-kind finding, Researchers at The Saban Research Institute of Children's Hospital Los Angeles have discovered a method which may possibly offer a future way to foster Renal (Kidney) Rejuvenation after Chronic Kidney Failure. 

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Basically, scientists have isolated human Nephron Progenitor cells (tiny structures on a kidney that filter waste) to determine how they form in a developing fetus. According to Science Daily, each person is born with approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 Nephrons to filter waste through the kidneys and out of the body. However, should these natural filters be damaged over time due to illness or disruption, the loss of a sufficient number of Nephrons, leads to irreversible kidney failure since no further cell repair or regeneration can occur.

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While previously Researchers only had access to animal models or stem cells, they have now developed a technique to directly utilize and study human Nephron Progenitor cells - the master genes regulating Renal Development. This new process is expected to enhance researcher and move Scientists closer to reverse engineering (taking apart an object to see how it works in order to duplicate or enhance the object) and finding a solution to Kidney Rejuvenation which may eliminate the need for Dialysis. 

Recommended Reading: Discarded Kidneys Found To Work For Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Excluding Specific Recipients.

Are you excited? If so, complete the below form showing your support of Kidney Rejuvenation Research and requesting to stay up-to-date on future breakthroughs. strongly believes that there is a lot of hope to be had for the Chronic Kidney Disease Community. Promising findings such as this allow patients to see that there are breakthroughs that may be able to help them improve their quality of life and that they are not fighting in vain. Keep up your great efforts and continue to strive to lead the best quality of life that you can. 

Recommended Reading: Major Kidney Transplant Milestone Highlights A Severe Deficiency In The Kidney Transplant System

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